Blake Sigman, Instructor

In 2018, after one year of practicing Pilates, a congenital heart issue required Blake to undergo open-heart surgery. The strong powerhouse created through Pilates helped his speedy recovery in so many ways. Blake began teaching Pilates in 2023 and is completing his comprehensive apparatus certification through Power Pilates.

Blake grew up active, participating in youth and high school sports. In his thirties he became an avid runner and cyclist for both the physical and mental benefits. Unfortunately, these activities often created injuries and nagging issues due to imbalances and tightness. This prompted a recommendation to incorporate Pilates into his fitness routine. After one session he noticed he was standing taller and was more aware of how he moved. The workout felt good, which was a new concept for a marathon runner! It was clear that he needed the benefits that Pilates provides.

Additionally, he was back in the Pilates studio two weeks post-operation beginning to rebuild the upper powerhouse with small movements and keeping his lower body moving while protecting the areas that were still recovering.

In 2020, his life grew sedentary as a result of the pandemic. With no other explanation he suffered a stroke that left him with a vision impairment and sensation issues throughout his right side. This motivated him to prioritize using and maintaining his physical abilities over all else. With an existing love for practicing Pilates, he decided to begin a transition away from his desk job to the Pilates studio to deepen his own practice and to work with others to develop and further their own.